Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Snuffle-nosed Weedle

The snuffle-nosed weedle
Took string and took needle
To tie himself up in a bundle.
His tos and his fros
Went as far as his nose,
But the nose proved to hard for to hundle.

The snuffle-nosed weedle
Would gently have pleadle,
Though we know snuffle noses can't talk
And suppose that he could,
It would do him no good,
He was lost in the heart of New Yok.

The snuffle nosed thingy
Was thinking of stringy
And needles and noses and things
He huffed and he hellowed
And practically bellowed
And tried to decide between twings.

The snuffle-nuff nuffle
Sat long on a tuffle
And thought of some German words
There, bereft of intention
Without hon'rable mention
He's been sitting for ten or more yeards.

The snuf nuff nuff nuff
On his duff duff duff duff
Was inside an old bag on a hill
And if stringys and needles
Are all he can weedles
He's probably sitting there still.

1 comment:

mom said...

Lewis Carroll would love it!